International Environmental Management (EnvIM)

    Full time




    2nd SMBG 2023

    Le Mastère Spécialisé ® "Management international de l’environnement" EnvIM, propose depuis 17 ans une spécialisation de haut niveau dédiée à la transition écologique dans un contexte international.

    The Mastère Spécialisé EnvIM is designed for young graduates holding a master’s degree or young professionals who wish to complete their curriculum with a specialization for ecological transition, to be part of  the management of environment and energy issues and solutions, in an international context. Participants in this training program, which is based on an innovative and practical pedagogy, will have the rare opportunity to study from local and international players in Europe and Asia, thanks to the wealth of many case studies, and to the industrial partners and experts involved in its lectures, workshops and projects.



    EnvIM is the result of a 17 years of experience with international and european partners, academics as well as companies, leading to the International Post-Master’s Degree from MINES Paris PSL, Mastère Spécialisé® certified by Conférence des Grandes Ecoles CGE.
    EnvIM program is a full time 12-month programme organized in France, in english language. Participants can benefit from the variety of backgrounds of students coming from various countries and various initial academic pathways, creating a multi cultural context for studying together and sharing experiences. The academic period deals with all the challenges for ecological transition, using systemic approaches and tools for decision makings.

    EnvIM is specifically designed for graduated students, and young professionals having a first experience in an international context, or the objective of an international professional project, who will learn about European practices and acquire new knowledge and new competences for their professional careers in an international context.

    This program offer students various opportunities to clarify and nourish their professional projects, acquire new competencies and experiences thanks to many international case studies. They will learn and apply new knowledge’s, unfolding new abilities, depending on their aspiration during 6 month internship in a company.

    Small groups and high rate of Professors per students eases a close guidance for each student during the academic period and the period in the company as well.

    EnvIM is 12-month program designed for students and young professionals motivated to an international career, wishing to learn about best practices, new knowledge’s and competences for their future professional careers in an international context. EnvIM consists of the 4-month common section in Paris, and a month dedicated to an international Project on one topical environmental issues, with a field trip in Europe

    Apply for the post-master EnvIM World

    EnvIM based on an innovative pedagogy
    The EnvIM program is organized by MINES Paris is mostly  innovative blended learning sessions. Indeed, students work on chosen international case studies and real projects developed in cooperation with experts, companies, consulting firms or NGOs. Thanks to these case studies are considered the five main environmental impacts - Climate, Biodiversity, Pollution, ressources, and water - and social impacts as well.  For companies and project managers, ecological transition is not only an environmental issue, taking into account planet boundaries, it includes their many stake holders and all their supply chain, in a changing and complex context,

    Program outline:

    The academic part consists of a period on 5 months from January to mid-May (450hr), during this period are organized short field visits in France,  and a longer stay in Italy (around 10 days)

    • Defining socio-environmental challenges from a physical, ethical and management perspective
    • Management of environmental and social impacts of large international infrastructure projects in context of climate change
    • Management of transition, assessment tools and approaches for decision makers for Pollution, Climate and Ressources management
    • Sustainable and resilient supply chain, considering main socio environmental challenges and biodiversity
    • Green project management in international context, case of renewable energy project

    To illustrate these topics several projects are designed specifically, each project is unique and organized with professionnal and experts, with dedicated lectures and teamwork. Some examples of projects :

    • Eco conception and life cycle assessment project
    • Environmental and social impact assessment of a Large infrastructure project in Asia
    • Transboundary impacts and water sharing issues in south Asia
    • Strategies toward innovative new models for sustainable and fair international supply chains for main commodities
    • Biodiversity,  tools for projects and companies
    • Green project management in developing countries, case studies of renewable development in Asia and Africa

    After movie : Green Project Management – Building Business Cases for Renewable Energy – March 2024

    In the shoes of a green business developer : coached by professionals, the students of the EnvIM program prepare a reply to a call for tender for renewables in Vietnam (solar panels on supermarkets, battery storage of renewables, solar panels on a glass factory roof, financial partnerships) or Madagascar (mobile solar panel solution) addressing the business case but also climate risk and sustainability issues.

    Internship and 6-month period of training

    Students must find and complete a 5 to 6-month internship between June and December in a company or an organization. The topic and main mission of this professional period is conceived and offered by a company, an institution, or a NGO, to solve some of their current issues relating to the environment, energy transitions or sustainable development. This is a chance for the student to build on his or her prior studies and to use skills recently acquired from the post-master's program by successfully carrying out a meaningful project in an international, professional setting



    Students may have a wide variety of backgrounds in natural sciences, engineering, business and economics, urban planning, political sciences, social sciences, or the environment and sustainable development. A good English proficiency is required as the classes and projects are conducted in English. You have to fulfill one of the following conditions to be entitled to apply for EnvIM:

    • Young graduates holding a Master’s degree or equivalent degree.
    • Bachelor’s degree with at least 3 years of professional experience in environment or connected topics
    • University of Pennsylvania Master’s Degree students: one year of graduate courses is required, depending on options. Contact Sally Cardy or Dr. Yvette Bordeaux.

    The admission period opens in January for early applications. The process for applications is the following :

    1. Pre-selection based on the application files
    2. Written test and interview, conducted by a panel of professionals and professors, to get to know the applicant, his/her professional projects and goals, and to ensure coherence with each project and the program. Interviews can be held by video-conference for applicants out of France.

    Acceptance into this program is determined by academic achievements, motivation, test and interview. Note that admissions are open until November for a start in January


    Cost for 2024:
    The tuition fees and registration fees for the Asia option include one return trip from Paris to Beijing, and fieldtrips in China and France.

    • EnvIM 12-month program:         €10,000
    • and registration fees €800

    Financing the program :
    Most students finance the cost of the program with their own funds or student loans. However, French banks generally require a guarantor located in France. In all cases, the 6-month period in a company or internship, is usually paid and provides students with extra financial resources. Under certain conditions, some EnvIM students may find and undertake an internship with a French industrial partner to work on a specific study. In some cases, (in France usually and for specific studies linked to R & D only) the Company pays for part of the student's tuition fees in EnvIM Program.

    Financing for international students: this joint program does not offer any possibility to apply for a scholarship directly, contact “Campus France” in your country.


    The post-master EnvIM prepares for environmental professions in the broad sense, and possibilities depend upon each individual and professional project. Alumnis are working in various sectors such as water or waste management, energy, circular economy, urban development, territorial development, in large companies, as well as small enterprises, start ups, public institutions and NGOs….
    Some example of positions : Environmental manager in an international context, Engineer Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development Manager or Consultant, Environmental research Analyst, Sustainability analyst, Green Business Development Manager, Junior project manager for green development…

    Hiring rates :
    EnvIM students reaches excellent hiring rates – more than 60% find a position before graduation - and quickly integrate leading industrial stakeholders. All students benefit from ISIGE and MINES Paris Alumni Network to move into top-management jobs, either in France or elsewhere.


    Alumni Association
    One important asset of this Post-Master’s Program lies in its alumni network, through ISIGE Alumni, Mines Paris Alumni and Intermines. Created in 1864, the Mines Paris Alumni Network aims at representing the school in many countries, helping students in their administrative tasks, assisting the managing board in its strategic choices and enhancing the recognition of its programs. The Alumni Networks are administered by two associations: ISIGE Alumni and Mines Paris Alumni.

    France - Paris and Fontainebleau :
    Master International EnvironnementClasses are mainly organized in Paris, but some projects or visits are held in Fontainebleau. In Paris the school is located downtown Paris in the Quartier Latin (Boulevard Saint Michel), this area is a hub of cultural activity, museums and temporary exhibitions which animate the life of this district near the Seine river, providing so many opportunities for discovering life in France. Some lectures and projects are organized in the Institute ISIGE, situated in the Research centre of Fontainebleau in the city center and close to the castle and the internationally well-known forest.
    The Fontainebleau campus is connected to Paris through a direct train (40-minute train journey from Fontainebleau-Avon to Paris Gare de Lyon.

    Accommodations : The School does not take in charge accommodations in Paris.


    Read the profiles of students who have followed one of the post-master offered by ISIGE Mines Paris-PSL.

    INSA de Lyon
    MINES Paris
    University of Penn
    BEST OF EnvIM 2021
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